When It Comes To Smart Data and Smart Machines, Here’s What You Need To Know About Enterra Solutions


Founded in 2001, Enterra Solutions is a firm that performs complex Big Data work for the government sector. Ten years later, Enterra Solutions expanded into the commercial milieu and is all about smart data smart machines to help customers and stakeholders. The four areas that Enterra focuses on are manufacturing, retail, life sciences, and government. Regarding the services that Enterra Solutions involved in, their main focus is on digital transformation, cognitive computing, and the Enterprise Resilient Management Methodology (ERMM). The ERMM is a framework, which entails a best-practices method and standards-based solutions for stakeholders, customers, and clients.



When it comes to smart data smart machines, Enterra Solutions has a platform called Enterra’s Enterprise Cognitive SystemTM — AilaTM. This cognitive computing platform helps organizations capitalize on the potential that comes with Big Data. This robust system of Enterra’s provides advanced analytics and insights. The power of Enterra’s tools can help inform organizations concerning their business, their customers and more.

Enterra’s Aila is a platform run 24×7. And it is autonomous in its ability to assist with monitoring, understanding, reasoning, and also recommending key actions concerning your business issues. As the need for siloed analytic systems and tens of expensive data scientists increases, Aila is a go-to-platform that is configurable to the needs of your enterprise. There are also pre-configured solutions available for many different industries.

Enterra’s multi-disciplinary group has a Cognitive Enterprise to help you understand all of the possibilities of cognitive computing within your enterprise and to provide an ROI.

Sophisticated Cognitive Analytics


Enterra Solutions is a full-service business that’s part of the world of cognitive analytics. The main objective for the team at this company is to enhance Big Data Analytics. It’s to use the concept of Big Data Analytics in order to assist government entities, organizations and industries alike. This is a company that employs creative scientific techniques as a means of producing technological methods that are capable of fixing big problems that pop up in the scientific, governmental and industrial communities.

The leaders who work for Enterra Solutions come from many different sectors. They’re esteemed figures who are part of engineering, science, national security and industrial fields. The talents who work for Enterra Solutions have substantial knowledge that pertains to many key subjects. Some of these subjects are statistics, mathematics, supply chain management, natural language processing, data science, computer science, artificial intelligence, knowledge management, ontology and even engineering.

Stephen DeAngelis is Enterra Solutions’ motivated Chief Executive Officer and President. Forbes and Esquire are two prominent American media outlets that have acknowledged DeAngelis’ exemplary work in advancement. Other remarkable people who work for Enterra Solutions are Chief Technology Officer Jason Glazier, Client Services Senior Vice President Samir Rohatgi and Human Resources Vice President Denise McAuliffe.

Enterra Solutions concentrates on many different aspects of technology. The Enterra crew makes analytic engines, natural language, inference systems and cognitive reasoning big focal points. The cognitive analytics firm accommodates markets including the government, chemicals, life sciences, retail and consumer products. Enterra Solutions is always looking toward the future.

Secure Information Sharing With Enterra


Enterra Solutions offers secure information sharing to a variety of businesses on a daily basis. They have quickly become recognized as one of the leaders of their field. The reason is because their services have the following characteristics:


One of the things Enterra brings to the table would be a host of out-of-the-box thinking. This includes a multidisciplinary approach that brings together a variety of different talents. Enterra realizes that each engineer can be an asset to their main goal of delivering cognitive computing and data-driven analytics. It is only in this manner that secure information sharing is able to gain a foothold.

A Thorough Understanding of the Obstacles

The experienced engineers with Enterra understand some of the obstacles that can result from running information sharing within a successful supply chain. First and foremost, there is the issue of confidentiality. In order to ensure that your data remains protected, each engineer understands they are bound to be as transparent as possible with each other and work to ensure a solid coordination and planning system. Besides this, however, there is also the issue of antitrust policies and differing technologies to consider as well. This is why each individual working with Enterra Solutions remains dedicated to keeping their training up-to-date on a regular basis.

A Stellar Working Knowledge of the Enterra Enterprise Cognitive System

One of the things that sets this solutions firm apart would be their Enterra Enterprise Cognitive System (EECS). Clients across the board give the company solid reviews because of this framework, and everyone working with Enterra is required to train with the system.

Secure Information Sharing With Enterra


Enterra Solutions offers secure information sharing to a variety of businesses on a daily basis. They have quickly become recognized as one of the leaders of their field. The reason is because their services have the following characteristics:


One of the things Enterra brings to the table would be a host of out-of-the-box thinking. This includes a multidisciplinary approach that brings together a variety of different talents. Enterra realizes that each engineer can be an asset to their main goal of delivering cognitive computing and data-driven analytics. It is only in this manner that secure information sharing is able to gain a foothold.

A Thorough Understanding of the Obstacles

The experienced engineers with Enterra understand some of the obstacles that can result from running information sharing within a successful supply chain. First and foremost, there is the issue of confidentiality. In order to ensure that your data remains protected, each engineer understands they are bound to be as transparent as possible with each other and work to ensure a solid coordination and planning system. Besides this, however, there is also the issue of antitrust policies and differing technologies to consider as well. This is why each individual working with Enterra Solutions remains dedicated to keeping their training up-to-date on a regular basis.

A Stellar Working Knowledge of the Enterra Enterprise Cognitive System

One of the things that sets this solutions firm apart would be their Enterra Enterprise Cognitive System (EECS). Clients across the board give the company solid reviews because of this framework, and everyone working with Enterra is required to train with the system.


Process of analyzing Big Data



Big data analytics is referred to as the process of analyzing data sets with the view of making sense out of them. The analysis can be done to find out patterns that a hidden, trends, consumer preferences, and any other use that organizations may need to make decisions.

The growth of big data analytics

Big data analytics started growing in the 1990s when data volume was increasing. The term big data was later also expanded to include also the variety of data that companies were producing. It also included the rate at which the data was being created.

In the early 2000s big data systems and applications started to take shape. Big data technologies were being developed and Big Data Analytics and Insights had taken the public eye. Currently, big data analytics has been accepted by small, medium and large organizations as part of the business processes.

Benefits of big data analytics

There are many ways that companies and organizations conduct their big data analytics. They use the software that the company has adopted in order to conduct successful data analytics. Successful data analytics can help an organization identify new and possible revenue avenues that they can utilize. It can also help an organization identify the weaknesses that they have and coming up Big Data Analytics and Insights with the solutions. The solutions could range from marketing to improving on customer service among many others.

Big data analytics can help organizations come up with conclusions from the data and help them make better business decisions. A successful data analysis will help an organization answer basic business questions in regards to the operations and performance of the organization.


How to Make Use of Cognitive Computing


Running a successful business is hard in a world full of competition. If your company is suffering, it can also be difficult to know where you’re going wrong and why your services aren’t working. This is where cognitive computing comes into play and why it has benefited so many businesses. The beauty about cognitive computing is that it uses big source analytics to assess and predict the success of your company’s endeavors. For instance, it will give you an overview of your sales, customer preferences and marketing success. This allows you to make appropriate changes according to what’s working and what’s just wasting your money.

In order to have cognitive computing done, you’ll either need to hire a company that does the processing for you or purchase a data analytic software program that you can use yourself. When you buy your own software program, you’ll be responsible for inputting any company-related information into the system so that it can automatically run through your company’s internal assets. These programs are normally inexpensive and can be easy to run yourself, even if you don’t have a lot of knowledge on how analytic data works. If you don’t have the time to customize a data program, you can hire a computing agent who will collect this information for you and give you a final report on their recommendations and findings. Having a clear view of how your business is working will allow you to be a better company owner who listens to their customers.

The Cognitive Power of Inferential Data


When Hemmingway was asked to write a six-word novel, he offered “For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.” The fact that these six words carry an entire storyline, complete with a tragic emotional punchline, is a testament to the cognitive power of inferential data. Hemmingway does explicitly say much in these six words; he relies on the fact that the readers have rules of inference, which chain together to extract as much information as possible from a text.

Cutting-edge algorithms can do the same thing, but to date, most artificial intelligence has not done so. A parsing algorithm may be able to syntactically make sense of a piece of information, but with an inference engine, we can also extrapolate up and down the rule chain, until we have an entire picture of what this information means. While most machine learning is heavily context-dependent, inference chains are not, which adds to their remarkable utility.

We speak of an “inference engine” in homage to Babbage’s “difference engine”, the conceptual prototype of the modern computer. Babbage was focused on strictly mathematical operations. His colleague Ada Lovelace realized that any number of other fields could be analyzed in the same way, if they were first translated into numbers. This was the eureka moment of modern cybernetics, and the inference engine is directly descended from it. By teaching an algorithm to chain rules of inference, we bring its analytical capabilities to life in a way that mere parsing has hitherto not been able to do.

Utilizing the Proper Cognitive Reasoning Platform


For any successful business, a Cognitive Reasoning Platform is essential for implementing user-friendly algorithms into your system. The beauty about this system is that it treats your clients like their own individual, ensuring that they find the products and services they need without having to search for them. Any website or online shop can use this type of technology, so it’s important to look into the different products available to you at a reasonable price.

Once you make the decision to begin using a Cognitive Reasoning Platform, you’ll want a professional tech expert to install the system into your computers. This system will transform your websites and create a more client-based system that people will truly enjoy. There are a lot of websites currently using cognitive reasoning and computing, so it goes to show that it’s a technology that isn’t going out of style any time soon.

While the system itself does cost a bit of money to install, it is well worth the price of admission when you think of the amount of customers you’ll be able to attract once you integrate it into your business’s computers. Certain technologies are essentially self-guided, which means that you can install the service into your computers yourself without needing to hire a tech expert. If you’re confused, there are a multitude of professionals who will be more than willing to help you out with this project and get your site working in the most efficient manner possible to benefit everyone who visits.

How Secure and Manage Your Business Sharing Data


Business owners face many tasks on a daily and weekly basis, and they often overlook the importance of securing their data as a result. Because criminals are always looking for a way to access confidential information, failing to protect your files and the personal details of your employees and customers can have devastating results. Secure information sharing is a vital part of any company, and you will need to find a way to safeguard your system if you don’t want to encounter a disaster. Not only can a data breach harm your profitability, but it can also destroy your reputation in the process.

When you want to have peace of mind, secure information sharing will help you in your quest. Your employees and business partners will be able to work on projects remotely without needing to worry about cyber criminals. Some companies opt to hire an information technology team to keep the data out of harm’s way, but doing so is expensive and not always practical. If you want to find a dependable solution, you can enlist the services of a managed data server.

This will give you access to advanced systems that will integrate with your network flawlessly, and you will be able to set access restrictions to control who can view and modify your information.

Your clients and customers will know that they are in good hands, and your data will never be exposed to unauthorized personnel. Although using a managed server will provide you with the same level of protection as hiring a team, it is much more cost-efficient.

How can cognitive data help you?


In a world where every decision we make and every thought that occurs to us is ruled by some form of data or another, cognitive data becomes have a highly valued data source for most businesses. Data, by its very definition, is essentially information. This information can come to us from varying sources. One of the most commonly used sources for data today is the smartphone. A large majority of consumers practically live their lives on smartphones. From getting frequent updates on the whereabouts of their friends, family, and colleagues, to getting a constant stream of opinions on politics, consumer goods, and services, the average consumer is vastly influenced by what he or she reads online.

Another huge source of relevant data is search engines. One simply has to punch in a few pertinent keywords and voila! You’ve got all the information that you’ll ever need right at your fingertips. Similarly, consumer forums, brand websites, videos, advertisements, and so one are huge sources of data that influence the behaviour and decision making process of any individual.

Consider this scenario: an at-home mother, who has multiple chores on her list, is idly scrolling through a social media feed when she comes across a status about a liquid dish washing soap that she uses. An acquaintance has posted a message, along with photographs, about how that specific product led to burning rashes on her fingers. Now, this housewife may have never experienced those rashes herself but you can rest assured knowing that the next time she’s in a super mart, she is going to contemplate purchasing a liquid dish washing soap from a different brand. As more and more people comment and engage with that post, it will continue to stay in her social media feed, within sight, reminding her that she should reconsider her choices.

Cognitive data helps determine human reasoning with the help of computers. With collates all the data that it has and tries to understand what lies behind decision making. From brand or marketing perspective, Michel Smith is the author of this article. For further detail about cognitive data please visit the website.

can be valuable in terms of driving more sales.